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Rosie Brinkman's Biography

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Rosie Brinkman has travelled extensively worldwide and has grown to love the different cultures and languages. She has a love for words and their definitions and has developed this love through writing. She is a published author and contributor. With an entrepreneurial spirit, and utilizing her writing skills, Rosie started her own business in 1995 assisting business executives in many different industries. She has written articles for religious organizations; content for technical manuals; academic data for training and educational textbooks; theological dissertations for Christian books; and design and development of advertising materials. She is currently self-employed and plans on writing adult biblical study materials, as well as children’s books, on the vast subject of God and His Word. Rosie is married, has two children, both of whom are married, and four grandchildren. Each has enriched her life and inspired her to leave a legacy to the generations. You’ll find her outdoors enjoying nature when she is not writing.

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